Sonoran CAD

Experience a superior CAD system that seamlessly integrates high-quality features.

Hybrid Framework

Immerse yourself in realistic roleplay with an economy that caters to your needs, and if ESX isn't your preference, we've got you covered with vMenu.

Sonoran Radio

Our integrated radio, combined with Sonoran CAD, provides exceptional in-game features that are perfect for both RP and dispatchers.

Strong Leadership

The strength of MCSO's leadership is a key factor in its current level of success!

Streamer Friendly

The Media team is dedicated to fostering and promoting passionate streamers who excel at their craft. Additionally, we provide rewards and incentives for outstanding performance.

Custom Development

We specialize in creating unique and customized developments to introduce fresh features to our server.

Custom Police Vehicles

Our server boasts a wide variety of custom LEO vehicles, created by in-developers!

Gabz SO

Our community utilizes the interior assets created by Gabz, including his impressive SO interior.


Department Members


Total Hours Logged




Custom Vehicles



Sub Divisions

Discover our department's excellent sub-divisions, each with a dedicated team of professionals who provide exceptional service to our community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let us answer all of your questions, if you have any more please join our discord below.

Join the Fan Discord
Is this a vMenu or Economy based server?

SOKRP is a hybrid server which tries to accomodate all types of players.

How do I apply?

You can apply by clicking on the "Apply Now" button at the top of this page!

I have never Roleplayed as a LEO before.

That's perfectly fine! Our community hands out a warm invitation to new roleplayers and we welcome you to join!

Can I still play on other server?

YES! Our wonderful HA has decided that you can still play on other servers even while in SOKRP.

All rights reserved. Copyright © State of Kentucky Roleplay.